I am thrilled and excited to have made it to November. 
I am very grateful to everyone who placed their trust in me by voting and helping with the campaign. I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you!

Thank you for visiting my website. My name is Olga Levine and I am a candidate for County Court Judge, Group 5. I am a native born Floridian of Cuban descendent, who was raised right here in Broward County. I attended the University of Florida as an undergraduate and also as a law student. I earned my law degree from University of Florida in 1988

I began my professional life as an Assistant Public Defender in 1989. It was there that I met my husband Alan Levine. We have been married for 21 years, have a son Daniel who is 16 years old, and two dogs Max and Toby. At the Public Defenders Office, I was a Senior Attorney supervising other attorneys in the juvenile division. From 2000-2007, I entered the private sector in order to gain a more broad perspective of the law and experience both criminal and civil practice. During that time, I represented the interests of the elderly and other vulnerable adults through guardianship and adult protective services cases; and, as attorney ad litem in family court cases, representing the interests of children engaged in divorce proceedings.
I have returned to the Office of the Public Defender to specifically represent the interests of children and adults who are mental health consumers or have intellectual disabilities. I have long been interested in representing the interests of children. I am currently the chairperson for the Broward County Regional Juvenile Detention Center Advisory Board. I am also a foundation Board Member of Broward Children’s Center and a Board Member of the Soref  Jewish Community Center.
I have spent literally thousands of hours in the courtroom. I hope you will agree my professionalism, unblemished reputation and extensive courtroom experience is exactly what the people of Broward County need and should expect from a County Court Judge.
I ask and hope that you will consider voting for me in the August primary election.